Our services
- Operational Improvement Projects
- Development of Management Systems
- Definition and Monitoring of Projects
- Organizational and Process Development
- Business Diagnosis
- Commercial-Operational Planning Systemsl
- Customer Experience
- Development of Training Simulators
- Design of Corporate Training Matrixes
- Design and Delivery of tailor-made Courses and Specific Workshops.

The company's operations represent one of the key systems of the business, as they deal with the design, creation and delivery of the products/services that the company sells to the market.
Any deviation in its performance can have a significant impact on customer satisfaction, customer retention, product and service quality, costs, and the rest of the company’s activities. Operational Improvement appears as a strategic tool to maintain and improve the positioning of companies in any market segment. PSBE assists in the design, planning, execution and implementation of Operational Improvement Projects in all types of industries.

A company's management system should be a key tool for defining where the company wants to take the business, specifying how it will be conducted and establishing follow-up and progress mechanisms to evaluate and improve its performance.
In this sense, it can work integrally in all systems/areas of the company or focusing on specific aspects such as Operations Management, Quality, Customer Experience or others.

And many other actions closely related to the most strategic aspects of the business. Hence the importance of carefully planning and managing the company’s projects to ensure the effectiveness of their development and results. PSBE has specific adaptations of traditional and agile methodologies for different industries, providing from training to advice and leadership of key projects of the companies, and accompanying such implementations with change programs accordingly.

PSBE’s Organizational Development and Processes methodology proposes to begin by structuring the company’s Product/Service Matrix and then the Process Map. This is followed by a preliminary organizational scheme that allows to outline the base structure of the future organizational chart of the company.
With these structural definitions, progress is made in defining key processes and the scope of key positions, as well as replication in the company’s systems, to the maximum extent possible.
The implementation of this design (agreeing, defining, training and implementing), we have found that it is an excellent start to move on to the development of more advanced aspects of business management.

PSBE employs a methodology of areas of analysis and dimensions of evaluation, which allows for an agile and exhaustive evaluation of the commercial operational system and also for the identification of opportunities for improvement and their corresponding lines of action. An agile methodology, which allows an accurate diagnosis within reasonable timeframes.

Its iterative nature and continuous feedback make it more than a planning system, it is the communicational and decision-making basis for these central systems of the company (Operations and Commercial).
The design of this work scheme involves mapping out the processes, redefining a specific organization, developing the information processing tools, training all those involved, and accompanying the process with organizational change actions.
PSBE has extensive experience in this type of implementation, in different types of companies and market sectors. The implementation of this system pursues key strategic objectives such as the optimization of service levels, delivery times, inventory reduction, and visibility/anticipation of problems, which allows a preventive and more effective management.

From this, its administration in any company must be materialized from a management system. Processes, organization, technological tools, measurement and improvement actions. A system that integrates with the existing management system and enhances it from this new dimension. PSBE has experience in the design and integral or partial implementation of this type of systems, including initial awareness workshops for the core business referents.

The use of simulators that replicate significant business processes and decisions is considered one of the most powerful tools for the development of business competencies. PSBE has experience in the design and development of specific simulators adapted to the needs of each company.

But for the same reason, it is necessary to precisely identify the learning paths that the different profiles of the company are expected to follow.
The design of training matrixes, as well as the design of training programs, is a specialization that PSBE has built up over many years of work with professional corporations and extensive development in this area.

The identification of this need, and its consequent materialization in specific activities, is a PSBE specialization, leveraged on more than 15 years of experience.
Some of our courses:
- Time Management
- Agile Area Planning
- Process improvement: Lean / Continuous improvement
- Project Management (Agile Methodology and PMI)
- Internal customer-supplier relationship
- Customer Experience (special course for B2B services)
- Quality Management
- Planning and Operations Management
- Indicator-based Objective Design